The earlier a child with dyslexia is diagnosed, the more effective his/her treatment could be.
Identifying dyslexia
In practice, identifying dyslexia in younger children can be very difficult for both parents and teachers because the signs and symptoms are often subtle. However, early continuing difficulties with differentiating sounds, particularly at the beginning or end of a word, can be a sign of possible difficulties in the future.
Many children, including younger children, also develop ways to compensate for their dyslexia, such as relying on their long-term memory more than usual or by ‘picturing’ the whole word.
Signs and symptoms of dyslexia you need to be looking for:
- Directional confusion- for example, writing 69 instead of 96
- Sequencing difficulties- for example, reading the letters in a word in a wrong sequence
- Difficulties with small words- for example, replacing “a” for “and”
- Late talking
- Difficulties with handwriting
This is a partial list of dyslexia signs. In any case you think there is a problem with your child, take him/her to a professional diagnostics.